Orcish Inn Wiki

The player controls an orcish inn keeper with various tools at hand to overcome daily challenges and to run a successful tavern. He has also to keep an eye on his current state in terms of statuses like his satiation or status effects. His current success is measured in money, reputation and social rank.

Tools[ | ]

There are 9 available tools, accessed by pressing the keys 1 to 9. Every tool has its own purpose and is usable right from the start. Some of them can be upgraded to be more effective.

  • Hands: The hands count as a tool and are used to interact with objects, like a tavern sign or other objects.
  • Shovel: The shovel allows to build floors, walls and all kind of structures and objects. Rooms and their properties like tavern comfort and dorm comfort are displayed while the shovel tool is selected.
  • Hammer-Axe: The hammer-axe has two functions. At first it is used to destroy structures and therefore necessary to gather resources by smashing trees and stones. At second, the hammer-axe can be used to repair damaged structures.
  • Seed Pouch: The seed pouch stores seeds and makes information about their attributes available. The pouch is used to plant seeds into prepared land ground, too.
  • Reaping Hook: Plants can get harvested with the reaping hook and they drop a crop if they were fully grown. The reaping hook can also be used to cut high grass.
  • Dung Bag: The dung bag is a tool to increase the eutrophy of the ground with dung carried in the inventory.
  • Fishing Rod: Fishing is a fun pastime and a method to get to fish and other valuable loot. Fishing also increases stamina over time.
  • Water Bucket: The ground's wetness can be manually increased by picking up water from a water pool and dumping it where a higher wetness is necessary.
  • Basket: The basket is the player's storage for items (except seeds).

The toolbar at the right provides the player with all the required tools. They can be accessed by clicking on the icons or pressing 1-9 on the keyboard. Seed pouch and basket can be accessed even faster with the keys Q and E.

Statuses[ | ]

The player's current state consists of 3 statuses: satiation, stamina and drunkenness.

  • Satiation: the player gets hungry while doing work or sleeping and has to eat food to get satiated again.
  • Stamina: work does also drain stamina. It can be refilled by sleeping or doing fun activities like fishing.
  • Drunkenness: currently it shows if the player is drunk (and potentially gains positive status effects from it). Drunkenness will be replaced with another status in a future version of Orcish Inn.
Player state

The interface at the screen's bottom shows the player's current state and provides some basic menu functionality.

Status Effects[ | ]

Status effects are shown above the statuses. They can be positive and negative and are triggered in different situations and have all kind of effects. Current status effects the player can have:

  • Drunken: Drinking beer gains various effects depending on its taste, flavor and quality.
  • Overweight: Carrying too many items will make the player slower. He has to watch his inventory limit.
  • Sleeping: Sleeping increases the stamina, depending on the current daytime. It's more effective during night.
  • Bad Weather: Some of the bad weather types like hails or storms drain stamina over time if the player is outdoor.
  • Sickness: If satiation or stamina drop below their minimal value, the player wakes up in his bed and gets sick. Work drains more satiation and stamina from now on.
  • Amused: Being amused increases stamina for a short period. This effect is gained during fishing, for example.
  • Euphoric: Being euphoric increases stamina faster than being amused. It is granted if something very nice happens, like catching a fish.
Buff bar

Current status effects are shown above the bottom player state interface. Placing the mouse on a status effect shows a tooltip with further information.

Measures[ | ]

In the top-left corner of the screen, the player's measures money, reputation and social rank are displayed. Money is mainly used to buy items and build furniture and gained by selling surpluses or running an inn as visitors pay for beer and more. Satisfying a clan is rewarded with reputation over time, which is used to buy upgrades. If a clan's satisfaction exceeds a certain threshold, the clan counts as satisfied and the player increases in his social rank as long as the clan stays satisfied. The social rank is used to access higher levels of upgrades and in a future version of Orcish Inn to unlock and use new furniture, items and more.


At the top-left corner of the screen, the basic currencies are shown, including money, reputation and social rank.