Orcish Inn Wiki

Mailbox Update[ | ]

The pre-alpha update was released on the 26th September 2015.

Highlights[ | ]

  • Mailboxes: you are able to receive mail and even send letters to other characters in the world of Orcish Inn. As I'm implementing mechanics (and not primarily adding content), the amount of letters you can receive and letters you can send is limited for now, but will change later. More details about that feature are given further below.
  • Clan Statistics: finally, there are clan related statistics in the hub book (statistics button in the clan overview; it's right to the button to display the clan's satisfaction). Statistics include the count of beer drunk, the money and reputation generated, pub brawls started and more. Every statistic is also available as a "per minute" given the whole playtime.
  • Setting Slot Machine Prices: you could already set price modifications (from 0% up to 200%) for single types of beer and bed linen currently sold respectively used. Now, you can also set price modificators for slot machines, for every barrel type. A high factor will again lead to more money, but it will increase the guest's aggression on losing, too.
  • Beer, Bed and Slot Machine Statistics: if you display the price modificators for beer, bed linen or slot machine barrels in the hub book, a new little symbol at the right will give you more statistic information regarding the beer, bed linen respectively slot machine barrel, like how much beer are stored, produced or consumed, how often the linen was used or how much money that slot machine barrel generated in total.
  • Ownership: objects like the hawker post, the tavern post (open sign) and the new mailbox can be "owned" by selecting them and clicking on the small "x" button. Only one object of a type can be owned and the owned one will be prioritized. So if you own a hawker post, the hawker will always fly to that post. If you own a tavern post, only this post marks if visitors are allowed or not. If you own a mailbox, only that mailbox will receive your mail.
  • Mirror: a new mirror can be build. Currently, you can change your character name from within the game. Later, more customization (like changing gender) will be available here.
  • Nasty Bugs: the issues regarding transferring items (changing quality, getting lost etc.) and production (not starting to produce and more) are hopefully gone. I had to rewrite some stuff so I hopefully don't introduce new bugs. If you experience bugs and crashes, please let me know! This time I try to release a hotfix sooner.
  • Moving All Items: you can move all items from the inventory into a storage or from a storage into the inventory if you hold SHIFT and CONTROL (CTRL) while clicking on an item in the inventory respectively storage.
  • Optimality Map: short note on the optimality map ("K") which shows preferred places for a selected seed. It ignores plant density now, as that wasn't very helpful when searching for optimal places.

Changes[ | ]

  • ADDED mail system, objects and items (check the highlights for more details)
  • ADDED the clan statistics page in the hub book (accessible via the statistics button below the clan's emblem in the hub book), stating various values regarding that clan, like the amount of beer drunk or total reputation generated
  • ADDED slot machine price settings to the hub book, so you can adjust it like beer and bed prices and affect your visitors' aggression even further
  • ADDED a statistic icon and tooltip in the beer, bed and slot machine prices part of the hub book (you can check for every beer/bed/slot machine various statistics like how many a specific linen was used or how much money a specific type of beer generated)
  • ADDED ownership of objects, including the hawker post, the tavern post and the mailbox (see highlights)
  • ADDED special seed bag editions for every season which are given to you from the Season Shaman at the beginning of every season
  • ADDED a highlight (white border) for items and seeds gathered through external sources (e.g. opening an envelope, a treasure chest, fishing etc.); it's shown until the item/seed is selected, or in case of paper stuff like letters, the item is read
  • ADDED a new addition to the control scheme where you can move all items from the storage to the inventory (or vice versa) by holding SHIFT and CONTROL (CTRL) while clicking on an item
  • ADDED new patrons to the patron credits
  • ADDED more info to the crashlogs so I can fix the errors you send me better
  • ADDED clicking and tooltip functionality for the small buttons attached to the satisfaction pie chart in the hub book
  • CHANGED what the optimality map (K button) shows: it ignores plant density now
  • CHANGED how throwing items away works (now on right click instead of holding); the selected transfer count is still relevant, so you can throw away multiple at once
  • CHANGED the building category of the compost box from outdoor objects to production objects
  • CHANGED how production machines draw materials from storages: near storages are preferred now
  • CHANGED when production machines try to put their products somewhere (now in an interval and not only on producing something)
  • CHANGED how new seeds are unlocked (as the upgrade system will get a rework in the future): now, they are automatically unlocked if a new social rank is reached
  • CHANGED (removed) the selling price modification for the hammer-axe upgrade (upgrades get reworked anyway!)
  • CHANGED the color of read notifications from golden to blueish so they are easier to distinguish from unread ones
  • CHANGED the pipe footprint of the silo and therefore the reach of the silo regarding pipe interaction so it is same as the brewing kettle's pipe reach
  • CHANGED how screen overlays (letters, message in a bottle, Valentine's Day cards etc.) are displayed and hidden (now they are shown on top and get hidden if clicked somewhere while the inventory stays opened)
  • CHANGED the tooltip of the throw away button, stating that you can throw away multiple items at once by selecting the preferred transfer count left to the throw away button
  • CHANGED the item name display in the inventory: if the item's name is too long, it is shortened (with a "..." at the end)
  • CHANGED (removed) "infinite transfer" for buying "infinite available items" from the hawker (which resulted in spending all the money on buying that item)
  • CHANGED the note on picking up water (stating that SHIFT and CTRL can be hold to pick up more at once)
  • CHANGED the rest satisfaction tooltip in the hub book a bit to state that not only drunkenness, but also bad weather increase the chance that visitors stay a night
  • CHANGED "dung" to "fertilizer" (item name, tool name etc.)
  • CHANGED how satisfaction influences aggression (now, only effective changes affect aggression)
  • BALANCED (decreased) the satisfaction threshold for clans
  • BALANCED (removed) money cost of the nature furnitures (like land and dirt tiles or bushes)
  • BALANCED money prices of furnitures (mostly decreased)
  • BALANCED the values of crops (flavor crops sell for less)
  • BALANCED (doubled) the beer value (that means, it has a doubled price when selling to your visitors)
  • BALANCED (increased) the value of bread
  • BALANCED (doubled) the income via beds
  • BALANCED (increased) aggression modification of visitors by drunkenness
  • BALANCED (increased) the chance that visitors stay a night
  • BALANCED (decreased) the amount of feathers dropped by pigeons
  • BALANCED (increased) the start money on the tutorial map from 50,000 to 100,000 and on the challenge map from 10,000 to 20,000
  • BALANCED decay of fiber (can't decay anymore)
  • BALANCED (increased) the seed drop chance and the reaping hook upgrade's influence on that even further (please note that plants have to be left alone to drop seeds!)
  • BALANCED damaging weather (hail, storm and blizzard): they are 50% less likely to damage something, but hit double as hard
  • BALANCED (decreased) reputation cost of washing trough and clothes dryer blueprints sold by the hawker
  • FIXED a crash on selling stuff to the hawker
  • FIXED multiple production machine related bugs (including beer brewing), like disappearing materials or wrong outputs (if you still experience similar, let me know!)
  • FIXED a bug where multiple materials of different crafting recipes could be put into the production machine (e.g. furnace)
  • FIXED a bug where items changed their quality when transferred to the inventory
  • FIXED a collision bug when a brewing kettle is build on the position the player stands on
  • FIXED a bug where not the selected but another item was bought from the hawker
  • FIXED a bug where more pub brawls occurred when time ran faster (during sleep)
  • FIXED a bug where more visitors visited the inn during a day phase than allowed
  • FIXED a furniture color related crash
  • FIXED showing the recently eaten food with 0 count after it was transferred to a storage
  • FIXED accidentally selecting a doodad below a quality or transfer button
  • FIXED a bug where an item "0x pigeon meat" was added to a sleeping box if the pigeon died
  • FIXED a bug where washing troughs washed beddings with a 6 star quality
  • FIXED pigeons dropping meat into the sleeping box when dying during bad weather and flying
  • FIXED a visual glitch of slot machines where the symbols on the object weren't in place if the slot machine wasn't put near a wall
  • FIXED a visual glitch where tooltips didn't get hidden if the hub book was opened
  • FIXED a sound glitch (multiple click sounds at once)
  • FIXED notification tooltip layer: they are shown on top of the tutorial boxes now
  • FIXED some typos