Orcish Inn Wiki

Halloween Update[ | ]

The pre-alpha update was released on the 31th October 2015.

Highlights[ | ]

  • Halloween Stuff: a bunch of new items, objects, plants and a ghost pet. See the changes below for more details.
  • Halloween Scenario: basically the challenge scenario, but it starts in Autumn and has a maximal chance and difficulty relating the attack of the pumpkins.
  • Playground Scenario: a moddable scenario file (just make changes to the "scenario_playground.xml" file in "./orcish_inn_0_0_17/Content/scenarios/").
  • Temporary Sickness Changes: the current sickness system will be replaced in the future and to make it less strong now, the "overworked" effect can only stack once and can be removed with medicine bought from the Hawker, which is far less expensive.
  • Placing Furniture Items: items like the new pumpkin lanterns (or the old celestial mirrors) can be directly placed as furniture by right-clicking on the item in the inventory.

Changes[ | ]

  • ADDED new sleeping mode besides holding "Z": double tap "Z" to start sleeping and press "Z" again or walk to stop sleeping
  • ADDED pumpkin seeds and the pumpkin crop, which can be cooked or used as beer flavor
  • ADDED different Halloween themed items like spiders, candy and more... let's better stop with the spoilers here :)
  • ADDED cursed pumpkins which spawn randomly during Autumn, contain various Halloween related items and also steal goods from the player's chests with the help of their twines
  • ADDED pumpkin heads which can be lightened via candles and placed as decoration
  • ADDED a ghost pet and I don't tell you how to get it
  • ADDED appearing item icons after destroying a storage so it's clear what was in it
  • ADDED item interaction for items which can be placed as objects (right-clicking on a pumpkin lantern item will select the shovel and the related furniture)
  • ADDED newsletter interface for easier subscription to the Orcish Inn newsletter by clicking on the "!" button at the top right
  • ADDED a new "unhappy reason" type for visitors when they approach a faucet which isn't in a room, including icon bubbles and explanatory text
  • ADDED new notifications on social rank changes to state that new seeds are(n't) available (anymore)
  • CHANGED the daytime-specific tint coloring during autumn, so the "red" during dusk isn't that... hard
  • CHANGED the appearance of the SHIFT button so it's clear that SHIFT is meant and not the up arrow key
  • CHANGED (removed) the quality condition for the baked small fish quest (from one of the visitors)
  • CHANGED what counts as rooms: including the walls now, so walls can get damaged by an exploding slot machine for example
  • CHANGED some of the quest rewards so they give some money or money instead of reputation
  • BALANCED (increased) the value of beer a bit
  • BALANCED (increased) the amount of bread in challenge mode a bit
  • BALANCED (decreased) the price of medicine for removing sickness debuffs
  • BALANCED (decreased) the maximal count of sickness debuffs possible to 1
  • BALANCED (decreased) the cost of yeast a bit
  • FIXED the bug where no water spawned during map generation (result were some juncus water which couldn't be removed by the player)
  • FIXED being considered as outside during a storm when running on a bottom wall in a room
  • FIXED removing underground pipes not giving some of the resources back
  • FIXED a crash during sleeping
  • FIXED a crash on opening the hub book after a new game is started
  • FIXED a crash when starting a new game while the hub book is opened
  • FIXED a crash regarding the mailbox (if multiple mails have to be sent)
  • FIXED a crash regarding the items offerred by the hawker
  • FIXED a bug where playing slot machines gave positive buffs while not having enough money to actually play
  • FIXED a bug where during sleeping, another bed on the map was used for calculating restored stamina
  • FIXED a bug where upgrading the fishing rod didn't increased the chance for rare loot
  • FIXED the missing sound when bridges are removed with the hammer-axe
  • FIXED auto-grabbing of beer via faucets (from beer barrels)
  • FIXED clan related display bugs in the hub book after starting a new game
  • FIXED not showing tooltips in the main menu when the hub book was opened
  • FIXED a bedding related crash
  • FIXED an issue where winter care packages weren't sold on the first day of winter
  • FIXED a bug where some of the notifications were not shown
  • FIXED a bug where the contents of an opened container item where not shown
  • FIXED that sometimes a postage desk was called "writing desk"
  • FIXED errors in the tutorial texts
  • FIXED tpyos (I mean typos, just kidding)