Orcish Inn Wiki

The Orcish Medicine Update[ | ]

The pre-alpha update was released on the 24th January 2015.

Highlights[ | ]

  • A new area to build the inn you dreamed of
  • Replaced starting inn so it's better to extent and also added more chairs
  • Reworked total exhaustion: instead of getting money stolen, you are getting sick... you have to wait until it's over or buy medicine from the hawker
  • Combined pipes which transport materials and products alike
  • Beer buffs: drink a beer with flavor to power up your orc
  • It's harder to raise high quality crops and crop quality of a fully grown plant decays over time
  • Hold CTRL to transfer 100 items at once
  • Balanced satiation/stamina consumed through work and made it easier to get a high comfort of a room
  • Fishing is more interactive (fishes leave particle trails)
  • Many GUI improvements/fixes like particles on plants which are ready for harvest, notifications and highlighting of missing resources respective a production etc.

Changes[ | ]

  • ADDED "combined pipes" which transport both materials and products
  • ADDED crop quality decay over time (therefore: the longer a plant is left fully grown, the lower the harvested crop's quality is but the more seeds are dropped on chance)
  • ADDED green particles to fully grown plants and made the green glowing more visible (so it's easier to see if plants are ready for harvest)
  • ADDED possibility to directly click on an item slot in the production interface to select the corresponding item in the storage (respectively the bucket if clicked on the water icon)
  • ADDED tooltips to the production interface which describe the single slots (e.g. "Hop for Acerbity" in the beer brewing kettle interface)
  • ADDED a red highlight of missing production items
  • ADDED a notification if a production stands still due to missing materials (inclusively listing the missing materials)
  • ADDED a notification if a production stands still due to a full product storage
  • ADDED a buff bar which displays and explains the current beer buff and sickness (introduced with the new "totally exhausted" mechanic)
  • ADDED particle effects on chance if fishing spots move near the swimmer (bad fishing spots trigger more particles)
  • ADDED particle effect trails on moving fishing spots to make hunting for fishes more engaging (bad fishing spots leave trails more often)
  • ADDED super fast item exchange mode if you hold CTRL while transferring an item (by default x10 in fast mode on shift and now x100 in super fast mode on CTRL, both editable through the settings file)
  • ADDED a slide text message if the player tries to remove an object out of the accessible area (e.g. small tree on a mountain)
  • ADDED a small text label to selected doodads (stating the doodad's name)
  • CHANGED the map by adding more space and removed some nasty obstacles
  • CHANGED the pre-build houses (more space to extend the pre-build inn and already enough chairs for the two first clans)
  • CHANGED the total exhaustion mechanic (instead of losing 10% of the money, you get a stackable debuff which expires or is cured with medicine bought from the hawker)
  • CHANGED the beer buff system (beer flavor sets type of buff, the beer's taste how strong the buff is, the beer's quality the buff's length which can be stacked by drinking multiple ones etc.)
  • CHANGED the way the hammer-axe works: instead of instant destruction, the hammer does 50% damage per click
  • CHANGED the way satiation/stamina costs are calculated relating destroying objects with a hammer-axe (work scales with damage done)
  • CHANGED the way a room's comfort is calculated (bigger rooms need less comfort per tile than smaller rooms)
  • CHANGED blocked tile area of brewing kettles (allowing the player to build on a 2x2 area "behind" the brewing kettle
  • CHANGED waterfall "wet"-property (can be accessed by fishing spots, can be used to fill bucket, emits wetness etc.)
  • CHANGED quest type of "Fuel" quest (it's not infinite anymore)
  • BALANCED harvested crop quality calculation (it's more difficult to raise high quality crops if properties like wetness doesn't match well)
  • BALANCED influence of property importance on harvested crop quality (having non-matching properties like wetness has a higher negative impact)
  • BALANCED (increased slightly) the time crops need to grow
  • BALANCED (decreased) stamina cost of using tools drastically
  • BALANCED (decreased) stamina cost multiplier of special work (smashing stones, destroying tree stumps)
  • BALANCED (increased) stamina regain during fishing
  • BALANCED (increased) stamina loss over time during night
  • BALANCED (decreased) stamina regain while sleeping during dusk and night
  • BALANCED (decreased) satiation regain of beer drastically
  • BALANCED satiation cost of fishing rod use: doesn't cost satiation anymore
  • BALANCED (decreased) amount of fishes on map
  • BALANCED damage done by bad weather (hail, blizzard, storm and thunderstrikes make more damage)
  • BALANCED (increased) chance of rainy weather
  • BALANCED (increased) speed of which rainy weather refills rain barrels standing outdoor
  • BALANCED (decreased) comfort required to get to maximal comfort in a room
  • BALANCED (decreased) amount of wood and stone dropped from small trees and tree stumps respectively stone boulders
  • BALANCED tree spawning, growing and quality increase (woodpiles spawn rarer, need more time to grow and small trees need more time to increase in quality)
  • BALANCED (increased) fishing chance of skulls
  • BALANCED some of the quests (lower requirements)
  • FIXED tiles bound by big trees (now you can place stuff near a big tree and visitors can walk there, which wasn't possible before and led to unknowable blocked paths)
  • FIXED tiles visitors can walk on (now they can access tiles with an object on it if the object is put towards a wall)
  • FIXED allowing to hold the right mouse button while repairing with the hammer-axe
  • FIXED another crash on fishing
  • FIXED issue where visitors ignored that they aren't in a room
  • FIXED "To Your Health!" quest (drunk beers counted before quest was even started)
  • FIXED throwing out fishing rod during interface interaction
  • FIXED the amount of gained/lost money displayed if multiple items/seeds where bought/sold
  • FIXED (removed) visitor interaction relating quests if they are not spawned (was possible near their spawn)
  • FIXED a bug where items required for a quest were not correctly removed from the player's inventory
  • FIXED production storages drawing water from removed rain barrels
  • FIXED missing updates of a pipe network if a pipe near a wall was removed
  • FIXED invalid reset of a production object's configuration if one of its products were taken out manually
  • FIXED placing the "Put In" button out of screen, if the beer has a flavor and the screen's height is too low
  • FIXED crash on using upper cases for bool flags (true/false) in settings file
  • FIXED walking through wooden bar corners
  • FIXED eutrophy holes