Orcish Inn Wiki

Small Update 0.1.2[ | ]

The pre-alpha update was released on the 8th December 2016.

Highlights[ | ]

  • Put beetles in your compost box to increase the speed with which items decay and therefore fertilizer is produced!
  • Put bones and skulls in your compost box to increase the quality of fertilizer. This is relevant, because when fertilizer is applied to crops, the fertilizer's quality affects the crop in respect to the crop's so-called "Applied Item Rating" (putting a lot of zero quality fertilizer on the plant will make the harvested crop's quality worse).
  • Fixed the Japanese font files so fans can make fan translations to Japanese (and other languages); there is a guide in the Steam forums with more details;

Changes[ | ]

  • ADDED purpose to beetles: if put in a compost box, they increase the rate on which items decay in the box and therefore the speed of the fertilizer production; every new day, all the beetles in a compost box get lowered by 1 quality and the same amount of other items in the box get lowered equally, too; beetles don't get "depleted" when there are no items to get lowered in quality;
  • ADDED purpose to bones and skulls: if put in a compost box, they increase the quality of fertilizer in the compost box; every new day, the bones and skulls get lowered by 1 quality and fertilizer in the box gets increased in quality with the same amount; bones and skulls don't get "depleted" when there is no fertilizer to improve or if it already has a quality of 6;
  • CHANGED how long movement is locked during fishing (movement is unlocked when the fishing float is back) to prevent walking into water when ending fishing
  • CHANGED the Hawker's following mode: he immediately flies to a newly build trading post instead of waiting for the next day
  • CHANGED items accepted by compost boxes: beetles, bones and skulls can be added and fertilizer can be put back

Fixes[ | ]

  • FIXED cut dead trees disappearing instead of getting a tree stump
  • FIXED Japanese font files displaying the wrong glyphs
  • FIXED sawdust shown as brown mass in the compost box
  • FIXED a visual glitch when the mailbox had mail
  • FIXED the position of the "ready to harvest" ribbon for the dryroot plant